Tuesday, January 18, 2011

"Better Is One"

How lovely is Your dwelling place
Oh, Lord Almighty
For my soul longs and even faints for You

For here my heart is satisfied
Within Your presence
I sing beneath the shadow of Your wings

Better is one day in Your courts
Better is one day in Your house
Better is one day in Your courts
Than thousands elsewhere

One thing I ask and I would seek
To see Your beauty
To find You in the place Your glory dwells

One thing I ask and I would seek
To see Your beauty
To find You in the place Your glory dwells


My heart and flesh cry out
For you, the living God
Your Spirit's water to my soul

I've tasted and I've seen
Come once again to me
I will draw near to You, I will draw near to You


Monday, January 17, 2011

"For The Love Of God"

Written By Rebecca St. James and Matt Bronleewe

If I could speak with tongues of angels
If I could write the future in the sky
If I could know the wisdom of the ages
But have no love what would it mean

For the love of God
Let this be my motivation
For the love of God
In this love I'm recreated
For the love of God
It's the reason for giving love away
For the love of God

If I have faith, faith to move a mountain
If I give all I own to the poor
If I surrender my body to the flames
But have no love I have nothing

When I'm gone let it be said
That I loved You more than anything
While I'm here let all men see
Your love in me

Sunday, January 16, 2011

"Fields of Athenry"

Author: Pete St. John

By a lonely prison wall, I heard a young girl calling
"Michael, they have taken you away,
For you stole Trevelyan's corn,
So the young might see the morn.
Now a prison ship lies waiting in the bay."

Low lie the fields of Athenry
Where once we watched the small free birds fly
Our love was on the wing
We had dreams and songs to sing
It's so lonely round the fields of Athenry.

By a lonely prison wall, I heard a young man calling
"Nothing matters, Mary, when you're free
Against the famine and the crown,
I rebelled, they cut me down.
Now you must raise our child with dignity."


By a lonely harbor wall, she watched the last star fall
As the prison ship sailed out against the sky
Sure she'll wait and hope and pray for her love in Botany Bay
It's so lonely round the fields of Athenry.


Saturday, January 15, 2011

"Viking Medley"

"We're Vikings!"

We're Vikings, what do you know, the terrors of the sea
We're Vikings, where ever we go, pillaging happily
We're Vikings, let there be no ambuiguity
Cause who doesn't like a pile of loot?
Some gold, some jewels, and a shiny suit?
And a giant screen TV to boot?
A Viking's life for me!
Yo ho!

We're Vikings, what do you know, the terrors of the sea
We're Vikings, where ever they go, pillaging happily
We're Vikings, let there be no ambuiguity
Cause who doesn't like a pile of loot?
(this is my life as a Viking wife)
Some gold, some jewels, and a shiny suit?
(we have to admit that it's rife with strife)
And a giant screen TV to boot?
(but that's the lot we got, when married we)
The terrors of the sea!
(we married Vikings)
A Viking life for me!

"Look Olaf"

Look, Olaf! There's a fish, with a pretty little circle on the bottom of the
backside of his fin!
Look, Olaf, there's another, and another, and another!
And the little one has got a funny grin!
Look, Olaf, Olaf, Olaf! Way down underneath the water, it's the biggest
fish I think I've ever seen!
It's got blue and purple stripes, orange and yellow markings, and a
dorsal fin that's iridescent green!

Look, Olaf! There's a turtle and he's wearing pink pajamas and he's got
a cowboy hat upon his lid!
Look Olaf, very close, you'll see he's riding on a llama and he's chasing down that herd of giant
Look Olaf, Olaf, Olaf, Olaf!
Olaf, Olaf, Olaf, Olaf!
There's a hippo dancing with a bear
Look, Olaf, there's an ostrich
There's a mermaid
There's a bunny!
Please, Olaf, look anywhere but ---

Olaf: I don't see anything . . . what?

--- but there.

"Our Share"

Thank you, thank you, our new friends, you saved us from the sea
Rest assured that we intend to share proficiently

We used to care
About our share
Of gold, so rare
And big TV's
But when we share, we get out share of friends

Doo-doo-dee-doo-doo . . .

So what's the use?
A golden goose
Is no excuse
For being mean
When we share we get our share of friends

Friday, January 14, 2011

"Me Without You"

By Martin Briley

Like a band without a drummer
That's me without you
Like a year without a summer
That's me without you
Like a king without a country
Like a room without a view
Like an empty gun
Like a fatherless son
That's me without you

Like a ship without a rudder
That's me without you
Like a child without it's mother
That's me without you
Like a story with no ending
Like a foot without a shoe
Like a wasted feast
Like a faithless priest
That's me without you


Me without you
A pitiful sight
Me without you
It ain't never gonna feel right

Like a war without an enemy
That's me without you
A disease without a remedy
That's me without you
Like a crime without a victim
Like a sleuth without a clue
Like an empty gun
Like a fatherless son
That's me without you


Without you…

Thursday, January 13, 2011

"Lamb of God"

I hear the voice of many people
I hear a voice like mighty thunder
Singing Hallelujah for the Lord he reigns
Singing Hallelujah for the Lord he reigns

Lamb of God, Holy
Lord You are Holy
Lamb of God, Holy
You are Holy

So let us be glad, let us rejoice
And let us give honor, glory to the Lord
And may every tribe and every tongue
Gather and sing praises to the Holy One


Wednesday, January 12, 2011

"Town I Loved So Well"

Author: Phil Coulter

In my memory I will always see the town that I have loved so well
Where our school played ball by the gas yard wall
And we laughed through the smoke and the smell.
Going home in the rain running up the dark lane
Past the jail and down beside the Fountain
Those were happy days in so many many ways
In the town I loved so well.

In the early morn the shirt factory horn
Called the women from Creggan, the Moor and the Bog
While the men on the dole played a mother's role
Fed the children and then walked the dog
And when times got rough there was just about enough
But they saw it through without complaining
For deep inside was a burning pride
In the town I loved so well.

There was music there in the Derry air
Like a language that we could all understand
I remember the day when I earned my first pay
When I played in a small pick-up band
There I spent my youth and to tell you the truth
I was sad to leave it all behind me
There I learned about life and I found a wife
In the town I loved so well:

But when I returned oh my eyes how they burned
To see how a town could be brought to its knees
By the armoured

cars and the bombed out bars
And the gas that hangs on to every breeze
Now the army's installed by the old gas yard wall
And the damned barbed wire gets higher and higher
With their tanks and their guns
Oh my God, what have they done
To the town I loved so well.

Now the music's gone but they carry on
For their spirit's been bruised, never broken
They will not forget but their hearts are set
On tomorrow and peace once again
Now what's done is done and what's won is won
And what's lost is lost and gone forever
I can only pray for a bright brand new day
For the town I love so well.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

"Quiet You With My Love"

Come to Me, all who are weary
And I will give you rest
Come to Me, all who are weary
And I will give you rest

Lay your head down on My shoulders
Be still my child, rest a while

I'll quiet you with My love
Rejoice over you with My song
I'll quiet you with My love
Rejoice over you with My song

Come to Me, all who are weary
And take My yoke upon you
Come to Me, all who are weary
My burden is easy and light

Lay your head down on My shoulders
Be still my child, rest a while


Monday, January 10, 2011

"In The Belly Of The Whale"

Up to my ears
In bitter tears.
Can't believe I've sunk this low
As I walk the plankton
Inner sanctum.
Got outta Dodge,
Sailed on a bon-less
Bon voyage.
You said North,
I headed South.
Tossed overboard.
Good Lord, that's a really large mouth...

I'm sleeping with fishes here,
In the belly of the whale.
I'm highly nutritious here,
In the belly of the whale.
Bad food, lousy atmosphere.
I don't wanna bellyache.
How long is this gonna take?

Woke up this morning kinda blue,
Thinking through that age-old question:
How to exit a whale's digestion?
It might behoove me to be heaved.
Head out like a human comet.
Hmmm... I wonder what rhymes with comet.

I'm sleeping with fishes here,
In the belly of the whale.
I'm highly nutritious here,
In the belly of the whale.
I'm ready to reappear.
I don't wanna bellyache.
Lord, how long's this gonna take?

End times, they come rolling around.
Enzymes, they come breaking us down to the core.
The good Lord grants we all get a second chance.

I'm one of the dishes here,
In the belly of the whale.
They say I'm delicious here,
In the belly of the whale.
Lord, please make him chuck it all.
It's a gut call
In the belly of the whale.

I'm in the belly of the whale.
In the belly of the whale.
I'm in the belly.
In the belly of the whale.
I'm in the belly of the whale.
In the belly of the whale.
I'm in the belly...

In the belly of the whale
In an underwater jail
It's a tight squeeze.
It's a-gettin' to me,
But it's roomier
Than the tail.
Hey, sailor,
Got my flow free
Like a salmon to the sea
From the L.A. Symphony.
I'm a paddleboat
Paddlin' in their wake,
A fake free-styler,
But my unemployment pays.
I'm avoiding cliches
Like "whale of a tale" say
Or "you can't keep
A good man down,"
'Cause you can
And I've been there, man.
But I've been expectorated.
I'm elated!
I'm free like Willie!
Happy Day!
That's a bit of a cliche.

In the belly...